
Financial news

Date Title Report

JC&C 2019 Third Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2019 Half Year Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2019 Half Year Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2019 First Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2018 Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2018 Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2018 Third Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2018 Half Year Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2018 Half Year Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2018 First Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2017 Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2017 Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2017 Third Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2017 Half Year Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2017 First Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2016 Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2016 Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2016 Third Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2016 Mid Year Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2016 First Half Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement (Revised)

JC&C 2016 First Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2015 Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2015 Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2014 Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2015 Third Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2015 Half Year Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2015 First Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2014 Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2014 Third Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2014 Half Year Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2014 First Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2013 Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2013 Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2013 Third Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2013 Half Year Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2013 First Quarter Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

JC&C 2012 Results Presentation to Analysts

JC&C 2012 Financial Statements and Dividend Announcement

Financial highlights

Group Results (US$) 1H2024 FY2023 FY2022
  US$m US$m US$m
Revenue 10,713 22,235 21,566
Profit after tax 1,248 2,977 2,456
Underlying profit attributable to shareholders* 500 1,160 1,096
Profit attributable to shareholders 483 1,215 740
Shareholders' funds 7,760 8,039 7,171
  US¢ US¢ US¢
Underlying earnings per share* 127 294 277
Earnings per share 122 308 187
Dividend per share 28 118 111
  US$ US$ US$
Net asset value per share 20 20 18
Group Results (S$) 1H2024 FY2023 FY2022
  S$m S$m S$m
Revenue 14,464 29,819 29,751
Profit after tax 1,685 3,992 3,388
Underlying profit attributable to shareholders* 675 1,556 1,512
Profit attributable to shareholders 652 1,630 1,021
Shareholders' funds 10,537 10,600 9,642
Underlying earnings per share* 171 394 383
Earnings per share 165 412 258
Dividend per share 38 158 153
  S$ S$ S$
Net asset value per share 27 27 24

The exchange rate of US$1=S$1.36 (31st December 2023: US$1=S$1.32, 31st December 2022: US$1=S$1.34) was used for translating assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date and US$1=S$1.35 (2023: US$1=S$1.34, 2022: US$1=S$1.38) was used for translating the results for the period.

*The Group uses underlying profit in its internal financial reporting to distinguish between ongoing business performance and non-trading items. Items classified as non-trading items include: fair value gains or losses on revaluation of investment properties, agricultural produce and equity investments which are measured at fair value through profit and loss; gains and losses arising from the sale of businesses, investments and properties; impairment of non-depreciable intangible assets, associates and joint ventures and other investments; provisions for closure of businesses; acquisition-related costs in business combinations and other credits and charges of a non-recurring nature that require inclusion in order to provide additional insight into the Group’s underlying business performance.

Annual report 2023

Annual report 2023

Investor relations

The Annual Report is an important and strategic communications tool for our engagements with our valued stakeholders. JC&C clinched the Best Annual Report in the Large Cap category at the esteemed IR Magazine Awards South East Asia 2020; we were a first-time nominee. This prestigious award and achievement is testament to our commitment to strengthen communications with our capital market stakeholders in the region.

IR Magazine - Award Winner, South east Asia 2020