To safeguard the interests of our stakeholders, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of transparency and accountability. Upholding strong governance, compliance and ethical conduct are core principles that guide us in business.

In 2024, JC&C was placed in the top 5% of Singapore-listed companies in the Singapore Governance and Transparency Index for our strong governance practices.

The JC&C 2023 Corporate Governance Report outlines JC&C’s corporate governance practices, which are in line with the principles prescribed by the Code of Corporate Governance. The report also provides in-depth information on the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and its various committees.

Board Composition

DirectorBoard PositionStatus
John WittChairman

Non Executive

Non Independent

Benjamin BirksMember



Stephen GoreMember



Amy HsuMember



Samuel TsienLead Independent Director



Steven PhanMember



Tan Yen YenMember



Jean-Pierre FelenbokMember



  • Non-executive

  • Executive

  • Non-independent

  • Independent

Board Committees

Audit & Risk CommitteeNominating CommitteeRemuneration Committee
Steven Phan* (Chairperson)Samuel Tsien** (Chairperson)Tan Yen Yen* (Chairperson)
Samuel Tsien**Tan Yen Yen*Samuel Tsien**
 John WittJohn Witt

*Independent Director
** Lead Independent Director


The current JC&C Constitution was adopted by Special Resolution at its Annual General Meeting held on 28 April 2016.

Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing

As a member of the Jardine Matheson Group, JC&C adopts the Jardine Matheson Group Code of Conduct (“the CoC”). The CoC requires compliance with all relevant laws, rules and regulations applicable to each business and proper standards of business conduct. The CoC sets out the standards and values that we uphold in operating our businesses, covering topics which include anti-competitive practices, tax compliance, business licences, exchange controls, information security, illicit payments and gifts, favours and entertainment, amongst others.

Our whistleblowing policy also encourages the early reporting of matters of serious concern that may affect the professional and compliant operation of our businesses and reputation.

Transparency, Anti-Corruption and Bribery

To enable us to better evaluate our anti-corruption effectiveness, we conduct twice-yearly control and compliance reviews on areas that include illicit payments and favours. We also require the reporting of matters of serious concern.

All JC&C employees undergo anti-corruption training and recertification every two years.

JC&C adopts a zero-tolerance stance to any form of Bribery and Corrupt Action, as set out in the Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy.

Group Tax Governance (Singapore)

JC&C has put in place a Group Tax Governance Policy (Singapore), which sets out our approach towards conducting our tax affairs in Singapore. The policy outlines JC&C’s commitment to comply with tax laws and regulations, our view on tax, including tax risk culture and appetite, as well as our governance structure for managing tax risks and its approach to tax risk management.